lambertville office

Holland office

Andrew Gill Insurance Associates
8196 Secor Rd. (PO Box 230 – mailing)
Lambertville, MI 48144
PH: (734) 856-4343
FAX: (734) 854-819

Andrew Gill Insurance Associates
6920 Spring Valley Rd. Ste 102
Holland, OH 43528
PH: 419-931-1026

Andrew Gill Insurance Associates
6920 Spring Valley Rd. Ste 102
Holland, OH 43528
PH: 419-931-1026

Andrew Gill Insurance Associates
8196 Secor Rd. (PO Box 230 – mailing)
Lambertville, MI 48144
PH: (734) 856-4343
FAX: (734) 854-819

Andrew Gill Insurance Associates
Request for Homeowner's Insurance Quotation

Thank you for allowing us to examine your insurance needs and propose the most affordable and reliable carriers and coverage to meet those needs. The information you give us on the form will never be used for any purpose other than preparation of the proposal.

Depending on the complexities of your situation, it takes time to develop the best solution possible. We will contact you via your preferred method to confirm we are working on your proposal, and in some cases to get additional information.

Important Disclosures

Statements on this web site as to policies and coverages provide general information only. This information is not an offer to sell insurance. Insurance coverage cannot be bound or changed via submission of any online form/application provide on this site or otherwise, e-mail, voice mail or facsimile. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage goes into effect unless and until confirmed directly by a licensed agent. Any proposal of insurance we may present to you will be based upon the information you provide to us via this online form/application and/or in other communications with us. Please contact our office at (734) 856-4343 to discuss specific coverage details and your insurance needs. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the actual policy issued.
Not all policies or coverages are available in every state. Information provided on this site does not constitute professional advice; if you have legal, tax or financial planning questions, you should contact an appropriate professional. Any hypertext links to other sites are provided as a convenience only; we have no control over those sites and do not endorse or guarantee any information provided by those sites.

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